Our Baby's A'Comin!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I just wanted to share a song with everyone that was written especially for me a couple years ago by my friend RJ Watson - it is hilarious! I will give a warning though, the song is about my booty! :)


Norris Family said...

So the question remains how does quinn feel about some other guy making a song of your booty-licious. That was hilarious! That boy has talent too.

Lucia said...

I loved it!

readerfam said...

BAAHAHAHAHA!!!!! anjuli! I'm dying...ugh, SO funny! wow...well done. well done.

readerfam said...

ah man..that last one from from me...kelsey! NOT the reader fam. I'm signed in as the wrong name. but man..very very funny!

Anonymous said...

Hey I just found your blog! If you send me your email address I will send you an invite to mine :)
